Monday, January 20, 2014

A New RC Airplane!

My brother got a Parkzone Archer for his birthday. It is a fast little single engine airplane. Our friend who also had a RC Super Cub came over and it was really exiting. Here are pictures of the Archer and the Super Cub.

Our Friend's                                                                                                Johnny's

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

RC Fun

A couple weeks ago a friend gave me an RC airplane without any electronics. It is called a baby blender biplane. It is called baby blender because the people that built it built a bigger version that they put a blender in it. They actually said that they blended a smoothy in it. What a weird idea! Anyway, I hope some day that I can get the money to put the needed electronics in it. I am also having fun with my Parkzone T-28 Trojan. Just the other day I was dive bombing my brother, pulled up too steep, and did a hammer-head stall about 20 feet off the ground. Thankfully, I recovered it. My Traxxas Stampede vxl RC car will go 45mph max. One of my favorite things to do is to drive it up a tree and do a flip and land right side up. We had a track for it for a while but my brother and I got tired of weeding it. I also got an RC Chinook helicopter that is really cool. It has two buttons on the controller, one has the letter F and the other has the letter B. What these stand for is forward and backward, which slides a weight inside the Chinook to help it fly better.